translated from Spanish: Ampuero, Chancellor of Tin

has been one difficult week for Chancellor Roberto Ampuero. The news, in the mouth of the Undersecretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, that Chile would not sign immigration agreement of the United Nations, left again in evidence “the lack of weight of the Minister”, as recognized in these days in the heart of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mistakes and disagreements to the interior of the piñerista administration are history known and, with this topic, already three days trying to explain why he broke, from night to morning, with decades of a foreign policy based on multilateralism, for focus the resolutions of the international politics under short-term focused exclusively on national policy criteria.
After a hectic Monday of declarations and rectifications from the currency on the part of the Chancellor and the own President Sebastián Piñera, about the concept of the Government on the rights of migrants, Ampuero came to Valparaiso on Tuesday in order to account before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies, where something donde algo nervioso nervous he tried to answer the questions of the opposition parliamentarians. From the own Chancellery they regretted panorama in this appointment, because they said that the Chancellor has had to carry a resolution that passed exclusively by Presidency and that was “handled by the Ministry of the Interior”.
“One is the right one has to leave their country, but not to enter any country”, stressed the Minister, again and again until the President of the Commission, Paul Vidal (RD), called him directly: “Chancellor, the question is, if you believe that migration is a hum right year”. Somewhat crestfallen and almost reluctantly, Ampuero said: “I think that it is a human right to migrate,” a phrase that went almost unnoticed Tuesday, since parallel unfolded the interpellation to the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, by the death of the mapuche farmer, Camilo Catrillanca, but for those who heard if it made clear that the decision to get out of the Covenant was not unanimously shared in the current administration.
With those words, the Chancellor had publicly contradicted the official position of La Moneda, that in the mouth of the Undersecretary Ubilla, told El Mercurio on Sunday – to argue the decision to get off of the Covenant – “migrate is not a human right”. The corridor yesterday with the press talks not yielded the expected results to treat lower profile to the apparent disorder which, once more, had been installed in Palace with this theme.
Also contributed the new round of statements of the authorities. After completing an activity around the APEC, which will organize our country and concentrated all the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pinera came out yesterday in the morning suddenly, again, to explain his Government’s position on migration, but above all to insist that There is a clash of visions in the bosom of his administration on this point. Act followed, Ampuero faced the press, tried to answer most of the questions, but evaded to clarify whether there was a conflict with the Undersecretary Ubilla. While later, the Minister spokeswoman, Cecilia Pérez, returned to the subject and emphasized that there is a political contradiction between the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Such statement and explanation is supported, as well as the clash of visions, in the currency were not compliant with the deployment of the Chancellor on Monday morning, who gave a press point to, precisely, to explain the removal of Chile of the immigration Pact. It was assumed that out should close the point or at least addressed the debate, but as the words of Ampuero were not considered satisfactory in Palace, forced to that same afternoon, Piñera out to repeat almost exactly the same speech that had hours before his Foreign Minister.
Inside the ruling party, noted that the unique clarity within this disorder is Ampuero Chancellor has failed to get out of the lethargy and the absence of authority that has characterized its management, which is criticized in the role that had before the demand for Bolivia against Chile in the Hague. Moreover, many stressed that the Minister is a “mailbox” of the Presidency and that it has failed to fulfill the role of “ear” in the international field which is intended for historically who acts as Chancellor, on the other hand, recognize that it has been constantly obscured by the young consultant of the second floor of La Moneda, Benjamin rooms Kantor, who has much more weight than Ampuero, and who is a close associate of Cristián Larroulet, the head of the second floor of the Palace.
The handling of foreign policy ditching Larroulet offices, was something that is reviewed for months in the Government and among the experts on international matters, but the last move with the immigration Pact was the public proof. “Let no doll to the Chancellor”, commented on the current administration.
“The ruling explained that the erratic action of Ampuero, responds to profile the own Piñera wanted to install for the management of the Foreign Affairs of its Government, a person who even though it does not have the necessary experience for the position, has the status of” convert”by his past from left, which transforms it into the most suitable to deploy the anti-Communist discourse and mark permanent public points about Venezuela and Cuba, two situations that continue to divide the current opposition.
In La Moneda they have sought to shield the Chancellor. Together with putting the accent in which most of the international financial institutions are “captured” by the center-left, said that in the eyes of the opinion public Ampuero remains strong, which has not suffered losses, a vision that is supported – added – for the support that Gets the coin in the migrant issue. And to cover his absence from power, in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeated over and over again, that outside Chile all answer the phones to the Minister.
The concern in Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the interior of the ruling recognized that the shift in international politics is “extreme, but necessary in the context”. And that struck several time that La Moneda decided to make public the decision not to sign the Pact, just two days of interpellation to Chadwick, who has lived his worst political moment with the crime of Catrillanca.
The reason for the decision to fund would be the need to reverse the fall in the polls the Government suffered by the Catrillanca case and the timing pointed to divert the attention of public opinion toward a subject’s impact on polls and public opinion : migrants linked to internal security.
The internal resolution in La Moneda is that, from now on and prior to the signature of any agreement or treaty, is to first analyze how that touches the inside of the country. Rather than privileging criteria of foreign policy or multilateralism, will give priority to all event policy domestic and to give support to that criterion, in the Government, they stressed that the interest is more on instances of the type of the G20, to that exclusive group of 20 e most powerful conomias in the world and whose last appointment, Chile was invited by the host country, Argentina, Mauricio Macri, with whom Piñera has a close and fluid relationship-driven.
Although Ampuero has earned “with sympathy, confidence on the part of the Ministry”, the weakness of their networks fail to cover the internal uncertainty in the Chancellery by the real role that will have this portfolio over the next three years remaining to Piñera in the Government.
Although it is well known that the last word in the international field, obviously corresponds to the President of the Republic, recognized that never before foreign officials involved in the subject matter had learned literally by the a decision of the coin press. At the heart of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured that Minister Ampuero “have never given their place, they even let him say”, a weakness that is concerned by what could undermine the standard of Chile in the international concert.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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