translated from Spanish: Morena legislators are parked instead banned Front National Palace

legislators of Morena parked their cars and vans up to in double row on the sides of the plate socket and opposite the National Palace, where attended yesterday to meet privately with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Vehicles occupied the pedestrian part of the National Palace and the road next to the socket, which is prohibited.
Citizens disseminated images and videos that showed deputies and Senators parked their vehicles.
Senator Emilio Álvarez Icaza criticized on his Twitter account that used the Plaza de la Constitución of parking, although the photo shared was 2014, not of yesterday.

In September 2014, left lawmakers criticized that the iron socket is used as parking for the guests to the second report of the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto.
Marti Batres, the President of the Senate, asked colleagues not to follow wrongdoing. “It should not be used as parking socket. Obviously you will not find my car parked there. I take this opportunity to invite my colleagues to take this into account”, he wrote on Twitter.

Totally agree with you @azucenau. Do not use the socket as a parking lot. Obviously you will not find my car parked there. I take this opportunity to invite my colleagues to take this into account. – Marti Batres (@martibatres) December 13, 2018 at the meeting with lawmakers would address the issue of the revenue Act and the budget of expenditure of the Federation, in addition to reviewing the legislative agenda.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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