translated from Spanish: Morrissey asked to include vegan menus at schools in Chile and the Junaeb replied

British singer Morrissey sent a letter to the National Board of school aid and grants (Junaeb) asking him include “vegan lunch salutes “bles and compassionate” in schools in the missive Chile artist – to be presented this weekend at the country – says that “meat is murder the animals, the planet and children. Do them a favor to everyone offering vegan meals to students”. It adds that “children who eat vegan food are less likely to develop problems of weight, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancer” and that “given that plant-based foods tend to cost less meat, eggs and dairy products, to serve food without meat could help them save money.” However, the director of Junaeb, Jaime Tohá, said that the measure is unworkable.” Yet there are conditions to move towards the incorporation of food preferences, for reasons of infrastructure, costs, logistics, among others”, noting that currently are delivered around 4 million daily rations in all the national territory. Toha said that for the entity “healthy eating is our flag,” so you have increased the consumption of fruits and vegetables, decreasing the refined sugar, in addition to incorporating the quinoa and “recipes with migrant relevance”, among other measures. Finally, the Authority invited the singer unveiled a lunch at a school in Santiago.

Original source in Spanish


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