translated from Spanish: 26 killed in 823 traffic accidents occurred during the week long weekend

police took the balance after the celebrations of new year accidents recorded, starting from Friday until the time. According to their data the institution accounted for 26 who died in a total of 823 accidents. In addition, they noted that there were 252 people arrested for driving while intoxicated and 88 under the influence of alcohol. Police also reported that total more than 115 thousand controls were carried out during these days. On the other hand Juan Andrés Fontaine, Minister of public works, said that you between Friday of last week and Monday left Santiago 470 thousand vehicles, of which it is estimated around 150 thousand vehicles missing still to return to the capital. The prognosis is that today should be about half, so it is expected to near 75 thousand cars to return to Santiago during this day, while the rest would do it “either tomorrow, or are people who take advantage of this opportunity to take these” “holiday and consequently already return in subsequent days”, according to the Secretary of status that line Fontaine said that the most critical moment will be in the next few hours, pointing out that “is already a strong traffic on 68, which is the route to more intensely used on these dates, product of the number of people going to see the Fireworks new year’s Eve and that returns on the day first”, and added that” so far there are slow traffic without detention except in moments in which there have been accidents by scope “. The Minister also assessed the contingency measures which in its opinion “operated well in a way that traffic is divided between the days Friday and Saturday mainly and there then great congestion on any highways while there was naturally slow traffic”.

Original source in Spanish


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