translated from Spanish: President Piñera: “we do believe in good die”

after the death of the young woman, Paula Díaz, who asked repeatedly that they will be a euthanasia due to his illness that could not be diagnosed, re-opened the d ebate to end life in a dignified way. Today President Sebastián Piñera attended the morning mega, pleasure, where referred to the debate on euthanasia, which showed itself in favor of a “dignified death”. “We do believe in good die, to facilitate the dignified death.” Therefore, I think that a person cannot be denied him the essential, not it can strangle you stop breathing or cannot remove him the liquid that is vital to life. “” But, having these people connected to appliances surviving in inhuman conditions in the completely artificial form does not seem reasonable “, said the President.” There are many people who have it connected to machines and who live kept them artificially and with much suffering and pain and not have any opportunity to recover. “I think that it is is not suitable”. Also if it is was agreed with injecting a substance to people that they die, what looked you the President contesnto “what I do believe is that that person could die in a dignified way. First have to care for her to remove the suffering and pain and that a responsibility that we must take as a society, and if that person disconnect it from appliances will have a natural death. What happens is that many of these people are suffering greatly, want to die, and the system keeps them living in artificially with machines and things and that has to change”.

Original source in Spanish


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