translated from Spanish: User lodged an appeal to justice because it was removed from a Facebook group

the Court of appeals of Rancagua, rejected an application for protection filed by a graduate of law, who accused having been expelled from a gr Group Facebook composed of lawyers. Represented by his own lawyer, attended the justice, as in the document ensures that disposal along with the others took place without notice. “They not warned they would take out them of the group. There was no formulation of charges, they were not allowed to formulate disclaimers and not allowed them to take test”, says the resource. In this sense, the document describes that the group called “Children not marriage of Bello”, is composed of “many lawyers, graduates and students of law of our Republic. Today the closed group already has more than 6,200 members, among them even law professors, authors of books and publications.” This, added to the outcast “participated actively and permanently, until the day 09.12.2018, when he joined Facebook and he tried to join the group, realized that he had been expelled, and faced with this situation, tried a new application, which until the” today has not been resolved or attended by Challenger administrators or moderators”. They even appeal to the Constitution, where you say that “they apply to any person, institution, or group, according to its article 6, which applies to closed”Non-matrimonial children of Bello”Facebook group, even if such association or community does not have personality “legal and just a grouping, association or community in fact”. RESOURCE replacement however, with the rejection of the Court, the graduate of law insisted on go to the cause, so that his lawyer filed an appeal for reversal where appeals to “declare admissible the remedy of protection tried and requested report to the” Challenger”. All this, in order to reach the Supreme Court, the body that will now have to review the case.

Original source in Spanish


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