translated from Spanish: Russia expressed its support to mature with strong criticism of United States

Russia defended the legitimacy of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and accused Washington of trying to oust his Government, in its first statement since the holder of the Parl Venezuelan catkin proclaimed themselves President and it was recognized by the United States and other countries. Moscow point that said “such adventures can have catastrophic consequences,” and warned that “a destructive foreign interference is unacceptable. This is a direct path to lawlessness and bloodshed.”
“The oath of the opponent ‘acting President of Venezuela’ Juan Guaidó and its immediate recognition by the United States and other countries seeks to accentuate the division of Venezuelan society, increase the confrontation on the streets and continue the escalation of the” conflict”.

“We call wise Venezuelan politicians who are in opposition to the Government of Nicolas Maduro who do not become pawns in a chess game alien”, expresses the document released Thursday. Express text addition to create premeditated in Venezuela a “duality of power”, i.e., the formation of an alternative Centre for decision-making, “leads directly to the chaos, the destruction of the foundations of the Venezuelan State”.

The note stressed that the “blatant actions of Washington” Russia noted “a new demonstration of total disregard of the rules and principles of international law and an attempt to arrogate to itself the role of judge of the destinies of other peoples”.
“Jump to view the purpose of applying the proven script for demolition of unwanted Government”, added the Russian diplomacy.

The Government of Vladimir Putin insisted that “only the Venezuelan people can decide their future” and described as “unacceptable foreign interference destructive, especially in moments when, as now, the situation is extremely tense. The task of the international community is to help understanding between the various political forces of Venezuela”, he concluded. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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