translated from Spanish: Railway lines are your responsibility: Aureoles Espriu

once the holder of communications and transport, Javier Jiménez Espriú, urged the Government of Michoacan and the CNTE find a solution allowing to remove blockages to the railways, the State President Silvano Aureoles recalled the official that this type of communication routes are federal liability.
“Michoacan thanks his ‘warrant’, but we also remind you that the railroad lines are federal competence, i.e., are your responsibility as Secretary of communications and transport,” said Aureoles Jimenez Espriu.
“We ask assume what it deserves and, for the sake of the Michoacan, in the economy of the State and the country, formally intervene to ensure the immediate release of the railway lines”, added.

The labour dispute between the CNTE and the Government of Michoacan, harmed the national economy as a whole, affecting both public and private companies. We urge the parties to consider national interests and find different ways.
-Javier Jiménez Espriú (@JimenezEspriu) January 27, 2019 Noticieros Televisa report, this Sunday, indicated that the CNTE kept seven locks in railways, in Lázaro Cárdenas, Maravatio, Pátzcuaro, Caltzontzin, new Italy, Churchill and La Piedad.
According to the Government of Michoacan, they are already 13 days of blockades, by the eighteenth section of the National Union of education workers, “causing severe affectations economic and life of the Michoacan and the Michoacán”.
The CNTE noted that it will continue with the blockades until the Government of Michoacan with a payment of 5 billion pesos, which they say you should be teachers. Another claim of the CNTE, according to a report by the newspaper Reforma, is that the Michoacan fearfully lack job security, because they have no basis for five years.
“It is a local problem, is a problem of Silvano Aureoles, which should resolve Silvano Aureoles, he wants to throw the ball to the federal Government, but it is a State issue, is State debt”, said on 26 January the spokesperson of the federal Government, Jesús Ramírez discarding an eviction of the masters of the railways operation.
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Original source in Spanish


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