translated from Spanish: A tourist is shown holding a deadly creature, unknowingly

during the weekend, a video that had been originally uploaded to TikTok network, where he was a tourist in Australia, holding in his hand to an Octopus of ani is viralizó Blue screws. It would not be too strange to see a tourist in interacting with the flora or fauna of a foreign region, if it were not for that Octopus is one of the most poisonous creatures in the region and can kill with just a bite. The venom contains Tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin which causes paralysis, and the bite is so small and imperceptible, the victim becomes not aware that it has been stung until it is too late. The only possible treatment is to massage the heart of infected with cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques until the poison throughout the body a few hours later.

A single milligram of Octopus (Hapalochlaena Iunulata) Blue-ringed neurotoxin is lethal and also a poison for which there is no kind of antidote. To have a harmless appearance (measuring between twelve and twenty centimeters) is not difficult to confuse with a docile animal. Clearly the tourist had luck. The video became the Forum Reddit, where many users in the region counted some grisly anecdotes. One of them recalled a story that had been heard in a first aid course, of a victim who spent hours transfixed on the beach with open eyes, which caused him irreparable eye damage.” He survived, but no one was thinking that he had been looking directly at the noon sun for hours with your eyes fully open,”said user. “It caused irreversible damage. He lost his sight.” Australia is a country that has a reputation for hosting some of the most dangerous specimens of the Earth. Although locals say that it is an exaggeration clearly does not refer to this Octopus. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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