translated from Spanish: By political violence of genre suspended the Morena superdelegado in San Luis Potosí

home Mexico by political violence of genre suspended the Morena superdelegado in San Luis Potosí photography / Heraldo de Mexico Mexico.-El s uperdelegado Morena in San Luis Potosí, Gabino Morales Mendoza, was suspended for six months after prove that he committed political violence because of gender against Martha Lisset García, Member of the party. It was not a detailed if with this you will lose his position, delegated federal, since the resolution only established that he will lose his position within the organizational structure of Morena.
September 6, 2018, Martha Lisset García García filed a complaint against Gabino Morales, by using “language against macho and sexist”, and lack of formality in the communication of the dismissal of the plaintiff as link Federal of the 6th District in San Luis Potosi, “no reason”, in accordance with the resolution of the CNHJ-SLP-737/18 record, investigated by the National Commission of honesty and justice of the party.
The complainant also told Morales Mendoza, as head of his ‘dismissal as owner representative of the party before the National Electoral Institute”, and that the defendant,” taking advantage of his position of authority and hierarchy front that is woman and her ” subordinate, has taken a series of decisions that their person and their participation have shattered strongly “.
On January 25, the National Commission of honesty and justice (CNHJ) resolved that the accusation was founded, and reported that Morales Gabino “did not provide any evidence” to defend themselves against the accusations. The CNHJ also reported that it is has knowledge “of the existence of recidivism by Gabino Mendoza Morales’ constituent acts of political violence.
Source: Political Animal

Original source in Spanish


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