translated from Spanish: China urges United States to halt the “repression” against Huawei

BEIJING (AP) – China called Tuesday on Washington to “stop the unreasonable repression” against Huawei and other companies after United States presented in the eve criminal charges against the gigant and technological Chinese. Huawei denied having committed any of the offences referred to in the indictment, as stealing technology, violating trade sanctions and lying to banks. The release of the Chinese Foreign Ministry read on State television Tuesday complained that US authorities “mobilized the State power to stain” at some companies “in an attempt to stifle fair operations”. According to Beijing, there is a “strong motivation and political manipulation”.” We strongly urge United States to curb unreasonable repression against Chinese companies, including Huawei, and treat Chinese enterprises in a fair and equitable manner”, said the statement, which said that Beijing”will defend firmly”to their companies Although he did not indicate if he would respond to the accusations. For his part, Huawei explained that he called to discuss the investigation with the American prosecutor after the arrest of its financial Director, Meng Wanzhou, in Canada in December, but his request was rejected. According to a statement from the firm, trade secrets charges already faced a civil lawsuit in the United States that ended in agreement.” “The company denies that it or its subsidiary or subsidiary committed no violations of U.S. law established in each of the accusations”, said Huawei. The company “is not aware of any wrong behavior of Lady Meng and believed that United States courts will finally come to the same conclusion.”

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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