translated from Spanish: Islamic school in United Kingdom forbids girls eat before children

photograph / the press United Kingdom.-the Office for standards in education (Ofsted) has warned Birmingham Al – Hijrah Islamic school that it is illegal for women to eat When men do it.
Luke Tryl, director of corporate strategy at Ofsted, said that gender segregation is “very strict” in Al – Hijrah, the Muslim Centre and that, therefore, began an investigation to clarify the policies of the Center.
Al – Hijrah was previously investigated by its finance and has a connection with the schools of Trojan horses, as it picks up the ‘Daily Mail’. The case of disclosure focused on an inspection in June of last year, in which inspectors accused the school of violating the law of equality 2010. The school funded by the State, for students aged 4 to 16, separates children from 5 years onwards for religious reasons.
Ofsted carried out inspection after receiving an anonymous e-mail that claimed to be from a student, saying that any interaction between the genders was prohibited.  “It worries me to go to College and not having the social skills to talk normally with the opposite sex,” the student wrote. During the inspection, a girl told Ofsted that segregation was “silly” and did not know “How have no relationship or friendship with the children”.
One of the books from the school library Specifies that to a spouse “not allowed to refuse to have sex with their spouse” and another adds that “sorts of women obey their husbands and their domestic duties”. In addition, two books say that a spouse can hit your spouse if not doing “harshly”.
Before this discovery, director Arshad Mohammed told inspectors that not had noticed that the books were available and called them “abominable”.
Source: Daily Mail

Original source in Spanish


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