translated from Spanish: The moral question |

RLA morality DEBATE is a matter of supreme importance for peaceful coexistence in society, because it is the essential element that defines and shapes the personality of individuals and their conduct, as it resides in the high human, composite field spirit, intelligence and awareness. High MORAL quality allows the purification of intentions and behavior. It is required to obtain a high-level MORAL environment: 1. severely prohibit the dissemination and trade of debauchery in all its manifestations, 2.-return God to the schools and impose on them the “primer Moral” Alfonso Reyes, 3.-reforming article 3. constitutional to cancel secularism, rationalism and scientism, 4.-look for ways to shake us the suffocating influence of United States, 5.-reform constitutional article 41 to eliminate political parties from the system election to return our traditional Christian morality, founded on the universal and immutable principles of God’s law and flatly reject all perverse “ideologies” judeo-Protestant “progressives” and “positivists”. But in MORAL primer, Alfonso Reyes and the Avila Camacho Government fail to mention respect God, as typical raccoons, but recognize it indirectly saying: “it is beyond the power of all the men: the truth, which is the highest” moral and intellectual quality. The believer founded their religion in this dependence on something alien and superior to us, the philosopher sees the hand of fate or the law of the universe; only the skeptic sees in it the work of chance. without a dose of respect for what escapes to the human will, our life would be impossible. We destruiríamos us in sterile, Angers without object defaults”.

Original source in Spanish


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