translated from Spanish: Trump says that sending soldiers to Venezuela is “a choice”

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, said that sending the army to Venezuela was “an option” and that it had rejected a request from President Nicolas Maduro to hold a meeting.
“(Maduro) has requested a meeting, and I rejected it because we are well advanced in the process,” said the President. Trump made the statement in an interview broadcast this Sunday (03.02.2019) in the program “Face the Nation” of the U.S. network CBS.
When asked in the interview what could lead to the United States to use military force in Venezuela, the President refused to give a specific answer. “It is certainly something that is on the… is an option”, said, however, the President.
“All options are on the table” Trump has warned repeatedly that “all options are on the table” in Venezuela, since it points to the pressure on mature economic sanctions and appealed to the armed forces of the country for which change of loyalty.
Under the administration of Maduro, Venezuela, dependent on oil, it has launched an economic crisis that has left her suffering from hyper-inflation and shortages of food and medicines. Mature refuses to allow aid to Venezuela, alleging that it will precede military intervention led by the United States.
“It was the richest of all country” regarding the meeting between both leaders, the U.S. President said that he decided to say “no” to the request of ripe because “the many really horrible things that have been happening in Venezuela”.
“It was – Trump – the richest of all in that part of the world, said that it is a part of the world very important. Now you look at poverty, see the anguish and see crime and all the things that happen. Then, I think that the process is being developed. “Tremendous protests very, very big”.
Mature, willing to talk this week, Maduro told the Russian news agency RIA Novosti that was willing to talk to Trump in “private, in public, in the USA, in Venezuela or where he wants, with an open agenda, all the issues” that the White House would like to addressing.
Mature in the past has urged dialogue Trump, who came to be open to see with the Venezuelan President during the last General Assembly of the United Nations, held in September in New York, but finally there was no meeting.
The tension between the United States and Venezuela has increased since January 10th Maduro returned to assume the Presidency as the result of a poll questioned by the international community.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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