translated from Spanish: The UN will not be added to any initiative of mediation on Venezuela to boost his

Nations United not join none of the proposals of mediation who have launched different countries on Venezuela to “give credibility to their” continued offer of good offices”to the parties, that is, Government and opposition, as reported Monday by the Secretary general of the UN, Antonio Guterres.” I’ve been following, of course with much concern the developments in Venezuela”, said the Portuguese politician in statements to the press from the headquarters of the international organization in New York.” There have been numerous initiatives of various groups of countries. I have been in contact with the protagonists of all these initiatives, but the Secretary General has decided to not be part of any of these groups,”clarified. Guterres said that it intends to “give credibility to the continuous offer of good offices (of the UN) parties to be able to assist, at their request, to find a political solution to the crisis”. Mexico and Uruguay have proposed an International Conference which will be held on February 7 in Montevideo to promote new negotiations between the Government of Nicolás Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition. The EU, for its part, has decided to create a contact group on Venezuela involving Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom, as well as Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Uruguay.

Original source in Spanish


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