translated from Spanish: CPLT requires the Navy to deliver information about travel, per diem and other silvers of the naval high command

The Council for transparency officiated the Navy ordering delivery of background information on travel, travel expenses, amounts for concept of bonuses, allowances and other items in the period in which it has ejercid or charge the Commander in Chief of the institution, Julio Leiva, data that also include current Vice admirals.
The requirement of the CPLT occurs then the naval institution refused to hand over this background, alluding to that it would affect national security and interest.
Trial of the owner of the CPLT, Marcelo Drago, allude to these grounds is unconstitutional and its application military, should be limited to matters strictly given that currently “the interpretation which is being given create pockets of opacity and secrecy”.
The Navy entered the eleventh room of the Court of appeals of Santiago a claim of illegality against this decision of the Council, awaiting that handed down sentence.
Since the CPLT reported that the background of the protections C1180-18 and C3519-18 were already sent to the Comptroller General of the Republic, but that from the perspective of the Council for transparency you could live to a “possible breach” the law of the Lobby to the not find out details of the travel of the high command.
Drago transparency proposal recalled that the entity that it represents referred to the Ministry of defence and the Presidents of the commissions of the branch of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate a bill that outlined a series of proposals aimed at improving the pro implementation of probity and transparency for the armed forces and defence presented by the Executive last November.
One of them refers to the amendment or repeal of article 436 of the code of military justice, which allows the armed forces and of order and security maintain special rules of secret defense. From your application, the armed forces and of order can refer to the cause of security and interest of the nation, as it has happened in the case of background information on expenses of the naval high command.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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