translated from Spanish: Liam Neeson: the controversial statements of the actor that accuse him of racism

in an interview posted by newspaper The Independent Monday, Neeson admitted that he was willing to kill any ‘black bastard’ to avenge the violation suffered a friend by a black person.
The comments came in the context of the promotion of his latest film, Cold persuit (“revenge below zero”), a thriller in which the character of Neeson (Nels Coxman) seeks revenge after the murder of his son.
When asked about how the character of Coxman transforms the duel in anger, Neeson said that “somewhat primitive” wakes up when a family member is a victim of violence.
The 66 year old actor is famous for dramas such as “Schindler’s list” (1993), has more than one decade playing roles of action heroes due to the success of the “Relentless pursuit” series, about a father who embarks on an extensive series of crimes to rescue your child a kidnapped.

“God forbid that you never have a member of your family wounded criminal conditions”, said Clemence Michallon journalist.
And he added: “I will tell you a story. This is true”.
Neeson starred in “Revenge below zero” along with Tom BatemanHace “some time”, Neeson learned that a friend had been raped and, although “she handled the situation of rape in the most extraordinary manner”, his “immediate reaction” was to ask about the attacker.
“I asked: ‘Do you know who was?’. ‘” Not ‘. ‘What color was?’. She said that it was a black person”, he told during the interview.
“I went up and down with a stick, hoping that someone I approached. I am ashamed to say it”, he said.
“Did it maybe for a week, hoping that some (Neeson makes the gesture of quotes) ‘black bastard’ came out of a pub and I provoke with something, do you know?” To be able (pauses) kill him”.
Harsh criticism the story told by Neeson has generated much criticism.
Michallon told the BBC: “anyone who listens to the thoughts that counted in this interview would be surprised and horrorizaría in many ways, and himself says it ashamed to think in the way it used to think and said that it was horrible”.

Detective Janet Hills, director of United Kingdom black police officers Association, said they felt “disappointed”.
Hills stressed the importance of not blaming “a whole community on issues of criminal activities”: “There is a specific person who committed” the crime and not “any black man on the street”.
Social networks also appeared number of messages in this regard.
For example, Javon Johnson, who identifies himself as a poet and University Professor in Los Angeles, explained on Twitter how the comments not only Neeson “branded violently to black people”, but they are also “ambushed by the patriarchy”.
“It became sexual assault of her friend a platform for his own need to prove his masculine domain”, tweet.
In the own interview Neeson acknowledged that, when you think about it, realizes that his attitude “it was horrible”.
“It is frightening, but I learned a lesson from this,” he added.
“I understand the need for revenge,” he said, “but only leads to more revenge and more deaths and more deaths, and Northern Ireland is proof of that.”
The actor, who was born in Ballymena, Ireland, Northern, continued: “everything that is happening in the world, violence, is proof of that, as you know. But I understand that primitive need.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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