translated from Spanish: Offers Tamaulipas Tamaulipas, Mexico

(agency reform) childcare-support after meeting with representatives of children’s stays in Tamaulipas affected by cuts to the budget of the Government of the Republic, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, announced to support them.

via your social networking account the Tamaulipas Governor published that at meeting attended by his spouse, the State President of the DIF, Mariana Gomez Leal.

“we met with representatives of children’s stays in various municipalities affected by the budget cuts to the federal program. The @gobtam and @dif_tam are committed to supporting childcare to offset this affectation”spread.

Together with my spouse @Marianagdeg, met with representatives of children’s stays in various municipalities affected by the budget cuts to the federal program. The @gobtam and @dif_tam are committed to supporting childcare to offset this effect. – Fco. Cabeza de Vaca (@fgcabezadevaca) 6 February 2019

expected a cut by the order of the 2 billion pesos to resources for childcare in the country in the year by the federal Government.

this represents a decrease of almost 50 per cent to public childcare resources.

the Senator Ismael Garcia Cabeza de Vaca, Tamaulipas, Pan said that the cuts affect 4 thousand 900 nurseries nationwide.

the issue. the representative of the Federal Government in Tamaulipas, José Ramón Gómez, said that once it does not conclude the revision to the rules of operation of the programs it is possible that cuts conform to children’s stays in the year .

to today’s rules of operation have not been completed, we have to wait until they leave the rules, thinking that yes there will be a cut without leave also the possibility that can be adjusted in the future

Gomez called for calm on the issue, once the Government carries out a review of the programs and their budgets.

“calm that the President has said clearly that every four months you will make an evaluation of his Government and thus if we see that some programs support are missing, there will be the possibility to recover them or to invest you more”, said the delegate.

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Original source in Spanish


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