translated from Spanish: What did Donald Trump of Venezuela in the State of the Union speech?

the President of the United States, Donald Trump, gave the speech of the State of the Union – similar to the Legislative Assembly on 1 March in Argentina – and took to insist in his condemnation of the Government of Nicolás Maduro.El moment in which Tycoon re cordo recognition to Juan Guaidó as legitimate President of Venezuela, both Democrats and Republicans applauded foot Trump words. 

On the other hand, the President of the North American country attributed the social and economic catastrophe to the Socialist policies that life chavism and used it to criticize America’s leaders with Socialist ideas. “Alarmed us calls to adopt socialism in our country. United States was founded on freedom and independence, not of government coercion, domination and control”, justified Trump. 

The world is witnessing the broken-down effects of socialism in Venezuela. As President @realDonaldTrump said last night, “We stand with the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom-and we condemn the brutality of the mature regime.” – The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 6, 2019 in speech, historic since it was which had more women in Congress, attended by Carlos Vecchino, Venezuelan leader who was appointed as Ambassador to United States named by guided. 

Original source in Spanish


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