translated from Spanish: SPUM calls to eradicate interim

Morelia, Michoacan.-hiring hiring acting teachers is the main contractual violation that seeks to eradicate the Michoacana University Teachers Union (SPUM).
Thus highlighted it its leader, Jorge Luis Avila Rojas in the installation of commissions for the contractual revision 2019 desks.

On the premises of the SPUM, Secretary general of the UMSNH, Pedro Mata Vázquez on behalf of rector Raúl Cárdenas Navarro who traveled to the city of Mexico to hold a meeting with authorities of the SEP, said about the ideal work in harmonious and coordinated manner with teachers Union representatives.
He said that the rector continues in extraordinary resources to respond to the demands of the workers.
While Avila Rojas said that they are aware of the economic plight of the House of Hidalgo, who pointed out, is not responsibility of teachers, so called to continue in the search for solutions.
He stressed the permanence of the violation of clause 19, problem that grows by managers who insist on the hiring of staff acting, because what urged you to stop.
Thus he also said needed an average of 20 million pesos to cover indebtedness of benefits 2017 and 2018, as well as promotions of 2013.
He therefore trusted that there is progress and avoid the outbreak of strike planned for February 18 to 5 p.m..

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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