translated from Spanish: “Pursuit of dialogue with the CNTE, does not inhibit enforcement of the law,” responds CNDH AMLO

photograph / CDMX-the pursuit of dialogue with the national coordinator of education workers (CNTE) does not inhibit that it applies the law, he stressed the Commission National human rights (CNDH).
So said it, then that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that it is has lodged a complaint to the Agency by blockades of railways carrying out the Magisterium in Michoacan.
The NHRC said that he will seek a rapprochement with federal officials to discuss the subject, on the basis of the scope of its legal powers, by which is only made possible for acts or omissions of authority who violate human rights.
However, stressed that the search for peaceful means of settlement of disputes cannot justify, if eventually the competent government bodies determine the existence of any illegal act, allowing authorities to renounce or inhibit is of comply with their obligation to ensure the integrity, security and interests of the people, as well as comply with and apply the law constitutional.
In this sense, he stressed that the authorities of different levels and orders of Government are required to protect and ensure, in the scope of its powers, the rights of people, mandate that cannot resign or seek to delegate to third bodies .
On the magisterial conflict, the NHRC reiterated his call to the parties involved in the conflict to seek solution through the construction of agreements, within the framework of the law, establishing a process of dialogue that contributes in the construction and strengthening of a culture of peace in the country, preventing damage to third parties.
Source: SDP

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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