translated from Spanish: According to Duhalde, Cristina said that “he saw no wrong” the candidacy of Lavagna

facing the October elections, remaining to clarify several questions and, in this context, the former President Eduardo Duhalde said that the former President Cristina F ernandez Kirchner would have sent you a private message.” Some time ago, Cristina sent me some messages through friends, and one of them told me that he saw no wrong in Lavagna, but I do not know”, said to the newspaper La Nacion.

In this way, the reference Peronist made allusion to the possibility that Senator get off the next election if it is that the Economist decides to run. For Duhalde, former Minister of economy “is the candidate”: “for me, it is Roberto. You may receive another. For me, the candidate is, for very clear reasons, it has been very well with everyone. I absolutely reject the fights, you won’t hear speaking ill of a President,”he said.
“”For me, the candidate is Roberto Lavagna”on the other hand, referred to the efforts of alternative Federal form an”inclusive”opposition:”If one calls for a national unity there can be no exclusions”.” I am involved in making the leaders of various parties to understand that the Argentina has no chance if not we set up a grand coalition with a parliamentary majority. I am dealing with that because I have experience and I made many mistakes and successes”, said.

Original source in Spanish


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