translated from Spanish: Juan Grabois: “Macri is the most horrible President of the democratic era”

the reference social Juan Grabois provided statements to Radio 10 where it considered that “the entire system is rotten” and that “we must make a very strong class po replacement stone tools”. Asked about the complaint he received “the cause of the notebooks”, Carlos Stornelli, Prosecutor CTEP (Confederation of workers in Popular economy) leader said that he and judge Claudio Bonadio “are a few nasty coimeros”.  In addition, defined as “credible” accusation.

“Not about Stornelli surprises me, he is a scoundrel. I have no doubt that he and Bonadio are some disgusting coimeros. The Federal courts is amount and a mafia”, he said. It should be recalled that the Prosecutor was denounced for having extorted an agricultural entrepreneur in Exchange for not being involved in the case known as “Books”. “It is obvious that this accusation is a political operation against the Prosecutor, such as those that make it to Cristina,” said Grabois.” Cristina is a full woman”after the case related to former President, Grabois defined as a”flawless”person in terms of his reputation and management. “It is a full woman who always put the interests of the homeland and the people above their own, but there were serious acts of corruption that embarrassed me”, acknowledged. Social referent assured “of corrupt has no hair”.

Cristina Kirchner | Photo: NA “Macri people will punish with the vote” not equal, spoke of Mauricio Macri. “It’s the most horrible President of the democratic era. People are going to punish the vote”, he said. 

Mauricio Macri | Photo: NA “have the advantage that they are well internally and have their candidates, but is also the Pocket.” There is an operation of discouragement to make people believe that they have attached”, closed facing the upcoming elections.

Original source in Spanish


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