translated from Spanish: 47 Ronin: the authentic Japanese cuisine in the heart of Providencia

The 47 Ronin, which owes its name to the legend of the 47 Samurai and means “warriors without Lord”, is one of the few restaurants that you can find in Santiago, 100% Japanese cuisine.
Minimalist style and Japanese decor, the place is warm and simple elegance. It also has the bonus of being attended by its own owner.
Each preparation is an enjoyment for the palate and the presentation of their dishes a pleasure for the eyes to observe the freshness of fish and seafood.
The letter contains a variety of traditional Japanese cooking preparations. Among these, we recommend to leave the table of assorted Sashimi, by the freshness and quality of its fish, generally bringing salmon, tuna, halibut, cojinoba in the North, sea bass or the available catch of the day. In fact, the price varies depending on this last.

Then we have a wide range of Rolls wrapped in avocado, masago, Sesame salmon, any of them worthy to taste. Once again grace is preparing at the moment, which highlights the quality of the products.

The 47 Ronin in addition is an excellent place to see further than the sashimi and sushi Japanese cuisine. Their delicious delicacies include Eggplant sautéed in sweet and sour soy. Also shines the Yaki Tori, skewers of chicken and green onion, and the Ebi Furai, panko breaded shrimp.

A fun sharing dish is Sukiyaki, typical meal cooked simmered in the table itself, prepared with beef wagyu – tofu in vegetarian version-, vegetables with green onion, Bok Choy and shitake, soy noodles and other spices, more egg by person.

47 Ronin
address: José Miguel Infante 28, Providence
price: between 20,000 to 23,000 p/p

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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