translated from Spanish: CNTE denies that blocking Caltzontzin, Uruapan tenure

Morelia, Michoacan.-is his through the press area, the national coordinator of education workers (CNTE) denied that the blockade which remains Caltzontzin tenure in the municipal PIO from Uruapan, are its members.

With regard to the matter, the CNTE referred to Friday 8th of this month reported verbatim: “comrades, once completed the works of our full LVII of General Secretaries, representatives of CT and sectional Executive Committee agrees that this section” XVIII of the CNTE requires are reinstall the tripartite table to provide Fund to the educational problems in Michoacán, for which we decided to reiterate a tactical deployment that enables the reinstatement, in accordance with the call of the President for Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
“… in accordance with this state determination, section XVIII of the CNTE is hereby of all group or person who intends to make or perform actions different to what determined our instances”.
The Coordinator ignored officially as his blocking that stays Caltzontzin tenure, which according to businessmen in Michoacan has stranded approximately 230 containers with different goods, situation that generates a decline economic in the entity of million pesos.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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