translated from Spanish: They denounce U.S. Baptist Church sexual abuse: there were victims under age 3

More than 300 spiritual leaders and administrative staff of the Southern Baptist Church in Texas and other U.S. States, were charged for crimes of sexual abuse over the last 20 years, denounced an investigation of the perio local doctors Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News.
Pastors, Ministers, teachers Sunday, deacons and volunteers, totaled 380 indicted for sexual misconduct that affected more than 700 victims, among them would have women who became pregnant and children under three years of age that they were violated at the offices of the shepherds during Sunday school.
The research also said that 220 of the defendants were sentenced for sexual abuse, while some negotiated agreements to reduce their sentences. On the other hand, there were charged that they admitted their guilt and voluntarily renounced their positions within the Church. However, more than 100 religious still remain in their positions within the ministries of the Congregation which has 15 million loyal viewers.
Facing hundreds of complaints, Baptist Church asked victims forgiving their attackers and in the worst-case scenario, those women who were pregnant product violations, suggested them to abort.
Currently, at least 35 of the shepherds were received in other churches that not questioned their sexual misconduct, reason by which, several former Presidents and leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), were harshly criticized by victims, Since concealed and hindered made accusations.
The President of the church Baptist SBC, said to be “devastated by the revelations. The voices in that article must be heard as a warning from God that calls for repentance by the Church”, said J.D. Greear via his Twitter account, where pledged to”do everything possible”to avoid this type of situation.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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