translated from Spanish: Minister of justice by Palma Salamanca sayings: “Does not give the impression that manifest sign of repentance”

the Minister of Justice Hernan Larrain referred to the former front Ricardo Palma Salamanca, condemned in Chil interview e for the murder of Jaime Guzmán, the newspaper The Clinic, which was published yesterday. “In this matter I am always surprised as they escape responsibility for the crimes for which they were author and doomed.” “That’s a great debt that the Lord has (Ricardo) Palma Salamanca for the various crimes for which have been convicted in Chile and does not refer” said Larrain according to interview such Emol.En Palma Salamanca, to whom France delivered the status of political refugee and whose justice denied his extradition to Chile, critical which called “Communist culture” indicating that “it is ideologically intolerant and authoritarian” also he hinted that his acting in Chile was marked by their impulses of youth. Also, it claimed to have suffered abuse and maltreatment on their way by various criminal precincts in Chile. “I tied together with chains of hands and feet to the Chair while I asked. He was a nazi. “When I came to prison I had 28 days incommunicado and then I entered the sector of the mentally ill” told the former front to The Clinic.asi also did on his steps by Cuba and Mexico after escaping from the high-security prison in 1996. However, he would not go into detail of the facts that was condemned and which is required in Chile. “Any wrong word and can make me Pope”, is justified. The Minister of Justice indicated on the sayings of the former member of the FPMR that “I regret that people like Palma Salamanca omit their responsibility for killings, abductions;” in crimes that they committed serious. “” It seems that nothing of the kind existed and that it seems to me that it is not “.” “Does not give me the impression that revealed no sign of repentance, rather his judgments of a political nature, but one should wonder if someone who has been responsible for those crimes can act for life as unpunished” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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