translated from Spanish: José Miguel Insulza: “I am not interested in the Presidency of the Republic and I am available for that”

in a conversation with Radio dune Senator from the Socialist Party, Jose Miguel Insulza said to be “interested in the Presidency of the” Republic”and available, also to assume a candidacy to the Moneda.El legislator also was the theme on the emergency in the North of the country because of the rains and criticized the Government for not having enacted ‘disaster zone’ nine days ago, what had benefit areas in getting help in a more expeditious manner.” That is a thing of the past, we will continue not insisting more. What we are asking now is an agricultural emergency by many farmers who were left with nothing,”said Insulza.ademas, the PS Senator showed his interest in pursuing a presidential bid. “I am not interested in the Presidency of the Republic and I am available for that, to the extent of the forces that may take me I apply.” I am not wavering. “One thing is very clear, if you want to be candidate I will be candidate” told the same media. José Miguel Insulza also referred to criticisms of Chile are going to former President Michelle Bachelet for not visiting Venezuela as his capacity as High Commissioner of the human Rignts. HH. The legislator said that “there is no space to raise topics for DD. HH. “If it is said that hopefully go to mediate in the crisis, that is another thing, but that I have not heard it even from the President of the Republic”

Original source in Spanish


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