translated from Spanish: They raided the House of Betty Olave: memories of Rodrigo were

raided the House of Beatriz Olave, the mother of Rodrigo Bueno, located in the neighborhood Arguello, located Northwest of the city of Córdoba. Among the stolen items were: “part of the memories which had Rodrigo, three chains of gold, some watches brand, perfumes and three thousand dollars that had been in a box”.

Thus stated it good Flavio – cuartetero-brother, who was not at home at the time of the robbery. Both made it, as his mother and his brother Ulices, was inside the home. While the theft took place, Betty was accompanying Ulices in the show that gave in Buenos Aires. As it transpired, a neighbor would take care of the House. The man was who warned the authorities.

They raided the House of the mother of Rodrigo | Photo: Twitter had cared housing up to 18 hours and then, upon his return, about the 23 hours, noticed damage to a door and a window. The goods were scattered by the place.” It was a house robbery without inhabitants. The Friday, February 8, at approximately 11 pm, includes is a telephone call in the central communications where a neighbor said that they had entered the Beatriz Olave House”, said Commissioner Benigno Velazquez to the C5N news channel.

Original source in Spanish


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