translated from Spanish: CMPC has fought forest fires in 16 communes between the Maule and Araucanía

the battle does not stop. Although the wave of fires that occurred over the weekend from 1 to 3 February already decayed, the work of combat by the CMPC team have not ceased.
Only from Friday 8th until this Tuesday 12, CMPC brigades have been available to fight several fires that have hit 16 communes between the regions of Maule and Araucanía.
San Javier in the Maule; Ranquil in Ñuble; Cañete (twice), Contulmo, Mulchén, Tirúa (twice), Los Angeles, Hualqui, San Rosendo, Penco and Quilleco in the Bío-Bío; and Carahue (three times), Collipulli (three times), Lumaco, Angol (twice) and Temuco in the Araucanía, have been helped by CMPC during these five days locations.
Land brigades, cisterns, héliportés and machined, as well as aircraft tankers, medium helicopters, the truck PC Code, heavy helicopters were used to put out the fires different resources, such as coordination and surveillance aircraft, , and the mega Chinook helicopter. In total, they participated 500 Brigadiers bristle.
Support in Aysen. Likewise, Monday 11, CMPC team supported the national forestry Corporation in the combat of two fires in urban-rural interface areas in the city of Coyhaique, Aysén Region. The first in the sector agricultural school and the second in the clear the aquacultural sector.

Original source in Spanish


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