translated from Spanish: Labour Minister stressed commitment of the FCAB with the incorporation of women to the rail world

At 8 in the morning, Camila Villegas Mella 22-year-old, began their routine tasks in the pneumatic section running between other tasks, tests of car brakes, tasks performed from 3 January last.
It is the first woman hired as a maintenance mechanic, trucks in the history of the Ferrocarril de Antofagasta, after culminate the process of training apprentices “Railway woman” program.
The professional this Wednesday, February 13, was a shade different in his day, visit in Antofagasta, the Minister of labour and Social Welfare, Nicolás Monckeberg, awarded recognition for his performance and effort. “I have a great responsibility and challenge. So far I have received full support from my colleagues and we are going to show that women are not in this type of work only to be, but because we have and deserve a place in the enterprise, where we can develop ourselves and commit ourselves in the same way as men they have done for so many years. I am grateful for the recognition of the national Government, I hope that we continue breaking down stigmas and advancing diversity and inclusion”said Villegas.
In this context, Monckeberg stated that “Camila is first woman mechanical maintenance of trucks of railways, in the history of Chile, which becomes a landmark, on a spur, to imitate it throughout the country.” In the heart of our Government is that there is equality of rights, opportunities and obligations between men and women”.
Also, the owner of the work added “today, there is no exclusive jobs for men and women, there is no reason to discriminate arbitrarily against them in connection with”.
Develop a diversity and inclusion strategy is a priority for FCAB from 2018, to 5 years aimed at attracting and retaining more women, disabled people and foreigners. To date, 11% of the endowment of Ferrocarril de Antofagasta is female. I.e., 108 women who serve in positions as heads of departments, supervisors, operators of maintenance, administrative, among others.
In this sense, the FCAB, Mauricio Ortiz, general manager pointed out that “our commitment to making the FCAB a company more diverse and inclusive is concrete.” In 2018, we developed a strategy of attraction and training of women, with initiatives such as the program allowing us increased female labor force to the current 11%. We have space to continue to grow, not only in female staffing, but also to incorporate people with disabilities and workers with international experiences. We are convinced that the various teams, makes us more competitive and improve our results.”
Similarly, Ortiz added that “still we still have great challenges ahead and 2019 will continue to work to foster the FCAB collaboration, flexibility and fairness, giving space to the development of all” added Ortiz.
Women railway is important to mention that next to Camila Villegas, five women were incorporated as electromechanical to perform in the houses of machines of Antofagasta and Mejillones. All of them participated in the process of forming 2018 of the learners program, FCAB “Railway woman”, where they learned basics of maintenance of cars, locomotives and operational safety.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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