translated from Spanish: Another first team outside of the Copa Argentina: Estudiantes (BA) won Tiger

week was Sun of may the team that left out to Rosario Central, the reigning champion of the Copa Argentina. On Thursday, students from Buenos Aires eliminated forceful way to João Tigre.Fernando, Juan Pablo Ruiz Gómez and Juan Manuel Torres were the authors of the goals that gave victory to the “click” of home. The Metropolitan B team scored three goals against the “matador” in the field of Arsenal de Sarandí and classified to 16ths of the Copa Argentina.
After four years, the home team returned to win his party’s 32avos of the competition between the categories of Argentine soccer, giving you the opportunity to the teams that do not play in first show and, in many cases, surprise to Argentine football. The first goal came at the end of the first stage, 41 minutes Fernando Joao scored the 1-0. In the first minutes of the second half, Juan Pablo Ruiz Gómez changed a penalty goal making a wide difference in Sarandi. The third and final goal came with the entry of Juan Manuel Torres which marked the Definitory 3-0 to 43 of the second half, sealing a victory with historic win against a first Division team.

Original source in Spanish


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