translated from Spanish: “I to the 11”: the famous shared her photos by the girl from Tucumán

11-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped by couple of her grandmother underwent a caesarean section at the Hospital of the East “Eva Perón”, where he remains hospitalized outside of danger. She was notified of her pregnancy on January 31 and February 25, next to his mother, they requested the legal interruption of pregnancy.
She was notified of her pregnancy on January 31 and February 25, next to his mother, they requested the legal interruption of pregnancy. Social networks were flooded publications on this case. Many television and theatre figures showed their rejection of a particular form: shared photos of themselves at age 11 by remarking that at that age they are “girls, not mothers”.



I to the 11. I usually always laugh at my pictures from when it was girl. But today I would like to add to the anger, powerlessness and outrage of what happened to the 11 years old girl raped by her grandmother’s boyfriend. He joined the health system in Tucumán with a 16-week pregnancy. “The LEGAL interruption of pregnancy had done in 48 hours, without risk to the health of the baby. But if it did not and was left to advance to week 23. The Government of Tucumán had too retained it to perform a Legal termination of pregnancy without risks and without the torment of a c-section. Inside the operating room all the professionals are declared OBJECTORS of conscience, until the anesthesiologist. Only were Dr. Ousset and her husband, also a doctor, to put an end to the torment of the creature. They practiced the intervention with high-risk life for the girl. At the end, staff from the public prosecutor’s Office to take the data she and her husband…” (for more details, this told @MarianaR31 on Twitter. The two lives matter to no one there, no don’t care. #niñasnomadres a publication shared Malenita Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) Feb 27, 2019 at 8:50 PST she is a girl. It is 11 years old. It could be your daughter, your niece, your sister. If the girl wanted to could take unites nine?; If you would like to vote for their representatives, could he?; If you would like to decide on costs that make them adults of the family group could? Clear that no, because it is a girl. But the Government of Tucumán, none of that imported. Anti rights are not age, they see no stories, not see us: only see containers. So they told him, they wanted to “Save two lives”. Even if that means going against our laws and international protocols that they say, to force a girl to give birth, it is torture. And thus the State forced to stand still in 7 different interviews the girl asked please “I want to draw me what I put in the old” * Juan Manzur *, Gob of Tucumán. * Gustavo Vigliocco *, sec. Doctors of the SIPROSA Executive. * Rossana Chahla *, Min of health of Tucumán. * Elizabeth Avila *, medical pediatrician Hospital Director Eva Peron. ☝ Ningunx listened to the girl. Ningunx respected their rights. We don’t forgive. And history not sorry, because you will fall ✊ #niñasnomadres #ILEyaesderecho #elestadoesreponsable #fueravigliocco #fuerachahla #estanenasoyyo a publication shared Romina Gaetani (@rominagaetani) Feb 27, 2019 at 8:43 PST













Original source in Spanish


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