translated from Spanish: Millionaire to settle payment bonds of fiber the NAIM E

city of Mexico.-with amount higher than the 34 billion pesos sealed holders of trust stock certificates of investment in energy and infrastructure (fiber E), which will apply an in the new international airport of Mexico (NAIM), that were then going to build in Texcoco.Grupo airport of Mexico (GACM) reported that 34 billion pesos, thousand must add 800 million dollars returned to the bondholders by 6 thousand Green millions of dollars.

GACM paid all of the shares of the NAIM “P” series. | File/DEBATE according to GACM release is pointed out that “in accordance with the agreements reached at the meeting of February 12 with the holders of bonds investment trust in energy and infrastructure ‘ FNAIM. 18’, today February 28” “2019 through S.D. Indeval, institution for the Depósito de Valores, S.A. de C.V. (Indeval), sealed the fiber E, with a payout of 34 thousand 027 million 215 thousand 625.99 pesos”.

The previous amount “was already distributed to the holders of the CBFEs and represents the initial amount invested more objective performance of 10 percent in real terms.” The document points out that the February 15, 2019 at the extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of GACM, approved the early repayment of all of the action series “p” equivalent to 20 per cent of the share capital of GACM, through the exercise of the Efectivo.Con amortization option date 18 February 2018, the Technical Committee of the trust for the development of the new airport international in Mexico instructed Nafin, as trustee of the public trust of management and payment for the Acquisition of goods and contracting of services, and public works no. 80726 make payments, carry out the early repayment to the forks of the CBFEs.El and the action series “p” GACM total payment of the early repayment of all of the Actions series fiber “p” and “FNAIM.18” was charged to the trust already mentioned, in which proceeds was spent entirely with the issuance of this fiber, unless it has been used or committed, so that the operation did not require any public resource, concluded the statement.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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