translated from Spanish: The neighborhood comes to Corrientes Street: walk barefoot in the Teatro Opera

“we are a strong and old group of friends that we know each other from the neighborhood”; Thus defined by one of the members to the band walking barefoot, the group that was born in 1995 in slaughterhouses and that currently vibrate like never. So much so that, after more than 20 years of experience, come first to the Opera House on Friday, April 26, from 20:30. To get the tickets, you can access here. In that context, and facing what defined in social networking as the “most important in history” show, Filo.News spoke with Pablo “bocha” Otero and Ariel Paladino for more details about the present living band. Corrientes Street: next stop photo: courtesy press “Bocha” said that what comes in the Opera House will be an unforgettable experience for fans, since they will do a review for all of her albums, including his latest “Half life” published in 2018.Aunque Ar IEL recognized that it is an important step for the band, it represents a step most growth who live year after year: “we had several important shows. “Comes to head the first shop we did, we went on a tour along the coast and all the people who had listened to us accompanied us”. Then, continued: “in fact, my grandpa is 93 years old, and when I told him that we were going to play in the Opera he was surprised and told me that he is going. But also, for example have touched in cement, which is now a parking lot, betrays you – laughter – age. We had many important things”. The rock era millennial photo: courtesy press band was born at the height of the ‘ 90s, and currently still firmer than ever. But it wasn’t easy. “We started our project by buying some instruments, learning to play them together, in the free time.” “” The band together to try we did not know what “, he explained.” It was all a process together, over 24 years, that we continue to maintain us them, except for small changes that have occurred in the way, but learning how to handle us,”said Bocha.aun thus, they do not lose their soul of barrio: the band takes the essence of the streets in each can tion. Precisely, the zonal club Chicago has a banner with the phrase “it is not a step backwards, I am only taking momentum-” song “Impulse”. The road to success the artists noted that they are constantly learning and growing to musical and personal level. At this point, referred to the technological tools and resources that exist at the time of recording an album and that were not previously.” There was no internet when we started, it is very prehistoric. Recently our first record was with 8 years of band. But our decision was to always go to the coast, all expenses paid by us, where people from all the provinces of the interior, comes together and distribute discs, sell discs; that was our way to overcrowd our music”, said Ariel.
“Is not recorded discs with resources and tools that there is now, it was not easy,” argued.

“Broadcast wasn’t easy, there was more than radios and major newspapers.” We have the artistic issue of the blade with the cover, to read letters, which was the average romantic part the question. You have to go to accommodate us at times,”said Ariel.Por his part, ball said:” we have learned many things along the way, most have done to shock, we have learned it to trial and error, but always treating us to overcome us disk-to-disk, show to show ” tour after tour”.

Precisely, with “Half life” they worked for the first time with a label, since they always held the banner of independent rock. “Although it was not a caprice:”It is not that we always had the intention of being alone by being alone, but because well, we have had some approaches not with labels that were not good experiences”.” More than at this time in the country, which is all given back, and although we have gone through several crises also… but that now support you as well, is a goal,”said Ariel.
“We are all neighborhood kids, and now that becomes the calle Corrientes”, revealed ball. And you are going to go see the show?
In this note: walk barefoot Theatre Opera interview

Original source in Spanish


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