translated from Spanish: 5 keys to understand how operates the machismo within domestic work

have to Cook, go get the kids to school, washing clothes, and if you have some free time, pass the rag on the sidewalk. It ends the day, not could study what was missing you, or watch the movie you wanted; but your husband’s shirt is ironed. Women spend hours and hours of your life to fulfill the tasks of the home, to make your partner happy. However, all that domestic work is unpaid, and can not be chosen: historically represented an obligation imposed by the society for women.

International women’s day, reflected in domestic work | Photo: The confidential numbers are clear: according to the INDEC, women are involved one 54% higher than men in these tasks “including chores, school support to children and the care of people”. In terms of the time devoted to housework, males spend 3.4 hours daily and 6.4 hours per day – 90% more – do women.

Photo: INDEC for that reason, and in the framework of the international day of women, is essential to question and deconstruct the domestic work and all the gender stereotypes that is. For that, and in order to understand exactly how it operates within this profession machismo, Filo.News spoke with Candelaria Botto, Economist and member of economy Femini (s) ta.1. One
acac2. Two
ascasc3. Tresacasc4.Cuatroacas5.CincoacscascEn this note: women’s day work domestic housewife

Original source in Spanish


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