translated from Spanish: Carrio revealed that it put up for sale your car because the Member of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrió has many expenses

during a radio interview, he was surprised by revealing that he has to sell his car because as a political leader “many expenses I have “. He explained that his work as a legislator “is not easy” and that is trying to have his first House. He recalled that in June, during a visit to the interior of the country, she warned that they came “the worst months of the economic history of the Argentina, is that I never lied”, said.
“I am selling the car because I have to pay this, I have to pay the other.” I know that we are very wrong. As political leader have many expenses, also I’m trying to get my first House”. 

To be consulted on the speech of the President at the opening of the legislative year, Carrió said that he saw a “real” Macri and stressed that “some profound changes are taking place”. He said that “while the PJ, Cristina and their children hide corruption, Macri says Justice, even about his own family”.
“We are aware of the pain that we are all suffering and this is the first time that a President acknowledges it. It also recognizes that it is the end of corruption and that her family is in corruption”.

“I think him the President,” insisted Carrio told Radio La Red. “I believe it because I know him, because we discuss and I am going to join because we need a historic Presidency.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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