translated from Spanish: Trump says that “tomorrow or”

Washington-will end the Islamic State President of the United States, Donald Trump, said Saturday that “tomorrow or” caliphate self-proclaimed by the terrorist group Islamic State (EI) will be finished, in a speech at the Conference of conservative political action (CPAC, by its acronym in English).
“Tomorrow or will have 100% of the Caliphate,” said Trump, who defended his decision to withdraw troops from the United States of Syria, announced last December, in his speech at the CPAC, being held in National Harbor (Maryland), on the outskirts of the capital of the country.
“We went to Syria for four months and just five years,” said the President, who criticized his predecessor in office, Barack Obama (2009-2017), have embarked on “endless wars”. Trump recalled his journey from last January in Iraq, where he had the opportunity to meet with U.S. military deployed in this country and presumed he has it asked them their opinion as opposed to “others” who make decisions in Washington opposed to the withdrawal of Syria .” How is it possible that we take to take 1 or 2% of what is left of Caliphate in two years? “, criticized Trump, alluding to opponents of an immediate withdrawal of Siria.El President joked about the fact that he had to his land in Iraqi territory with the lights” off. The words of U.S. President coincided with the start of an offensive launched by the forces of Syria democratic (FSD), a partnership headed by Kurdish militias and supported by Washington, yesterday against the Baguz, the last stronghold of the us in the Arab country. USA began its intervention in Syria in September 2014, months after extremists from proclaiming a Caliphate in this country and in Iraq, within the framework of the international coalition, which supports the FSD on the ground. 

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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