translated from Spanish: Die Keith Flint, leader of the Group The Prodigy dies Keith Flint, leader of the Group The Prodigy

photo / Internet England.-the singer of The Prodigy, Keith Flint, has been found dead on Monday at the age of 49 in Essex, East of England. The authorities were alerted this morning around the 8-10 GMT and when they got to the House of the artist found him dead. “We called a lady concerned about the State of a man at an address in Brook Hill just after the 8.10 am. The death is not being treated as suspicious and is preparing a dossier for forensic authorities. Relatives have already been informed”, stated the police from the scene.
At the end of the 1980s, Flint meets DJ Liam Howlett at a rave for a disco party and captivated by the musical taste of Howlett, starts an artistic relationship with him. After receiving a disk of mixtures of Howlett, Flint was you insist on bringing their songs to the stage and proposes the own Keith and his friend Leeroy Thornhill to act together. It is the germ of The Prodigy, group which is definitively incorporated in 1990 and with whom he recorded three albums for The Fat of the Land (1997), Invaders Must Die (2009) and The Day Is My Enemy (2015).
Originally Flint was the dancer of the band. It was not until 1996 where he makes his first appearance as a singer in the single Firestarter, and appears in the video with the punk aesthetic that has characterized them since then. Together with Breathe, this is one of the most recognized and danced the bandwidth issues. The BBC withdrew video Firestarter black-and-white when several parents complained of had terrified their children. It is also the first time that Flint wrote the lyrics. But it was with Smack the Bitch Up, voted by viewers of MTV as the most offensive video history, with which the group reached its highest levels of provocation and scandal.
“Not techno we are interested in. We have nothing to do with the Chemical Brothers, ours are the supersonic electronic cathedrals. It is not a typical dance music, made with scraps and unrelated melodies. It is something more organic, which is powered by the energy of the concert. At the end, and after, our inspiration comes from punk rock and hip hop from the old school, music that made sense in direct”, claimed Flint and his companions in an interview with EL PAÍS in 1997.
Source: The country

Original source in Spanish


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