translated from Spanish: People in General Velásquez and other points of Santiago protest marked “Super Monday”

A teeming “Super Monday” lived the Santiago with the return to labour and student activity. From the Transport Ministry identified 138 critical points, with times of transfer with delayed about 15 minutes in average.
But the day was further complicated by the protest in General Velasquez with the Alameda, where settlers blocked both carriageways, causing a major cue for those who wanted to go to the Centre of Santiago.
Armed flares and noise bombs, the Ukamau group led this protest that developed from 7 in the morning, causing the Act police. Mobilization, was attended by about 200 people, and it is replicated elsewhere in Santiago.
“For very legitimate that they are manifestations, we are ensuring the good traffic Super Monday”, said the Metropolitan intendant Karla Rubilar.
One of the demands of this protest was to summon the feminist strike which will take place on Friday, March 8.  “Are we who we take care of the upbringing and household chores that are strategic tasks for the development of the country and this work always ends despised and not taken into account even at our stage of retirement without a pension”, He pointed to one of the brochures of the protesters.
One of the slogans was “from the women who we have been working and raising the right to housing and the city as articulator of the various struggles, we are here once again demanding a society where all have equal opportunities for to develop, have a standard of living adequate and humane”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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