translated from Spanish: Brexit: Theresa May risks another defeat in Parliament

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May could routed to another defeat in Parliament by the brexit, since your main Coordinator warned that it was not sure of having braces.
Julian Smith is in charge of trying to muster enough support for his package of divorce from the European Union, and on Tuesday told his main Ministers that next week’s vote will be difficult, according to three people who spoke under the condition of anonymity.
He predicted that in the upcoming votes, the brexit without agreement would no longer be an option and instruiría the Government to seek an extension to the talks. He also said that he hoped that legislators stop side other amendments that would approve and put to the United Kingdom on way to stay at the customs union.
You may does not have a majority in Parliament, so it needs so many legislators in his conservative party as possible to support their agreement. As some are implacably opposed, either because they do not want the brexit or because they believe that it May be staying too close to the EU, also needs the votes of the opposition labour party.
Although it is likely that many of the 118 conservatives who voted against the agreement of May in January will support it next week, need them to almost everyone, and some of them do not appear to be convinced. Jacob Rees-Mogg, who leads up to 90 supporters of hard-line, tweet Tuesday that the brexit “not must be stopped”.

Original source in Spanish

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