translated from Spanish: Only 6 provinces began classes

the average salary of Argentine teachers collapsed against inflation in the past two years and remained below the basic consumer basket, while only six provinces were now able to an accordance do wage that allows them to start classes. According to sources of the Confederation of workers of the education of the Republic Argentina (Ctera), the average salary of Argentine teachers is 20,500 weights in gross, i.e., non-discountable retirement and other taxes. However, there are large differences between what they earn the teachers of one and another province, although these are neighboring: Jujuy teacher wins 5.204 pesos less than the Salta, who has a salary of 23.638 pesos per month gross.

Image of a family type file, meanwhile, needed in January 26.442,92 to access the basic basket and not to fall below the poverty line, according to the National Institute of statistics and census (Indec) reported officially. In this complex scenario for teachers from across the country, only Neuquén, Misiones, Mendoza, Chubut, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán managed to reach a joint agreement in February and start this Wednesday classes normally. The rest of the country will fold to the 72 hour strike convened by Ctera for 6, 7 and 8 March; in the Federal Capital majority Guild rejected the official offer, while others accepted it, so the strike could have a mixed membership.

Image file at the same time, the Secretary general of SUTEBA, Roberto Baradel, stated that the Government “three years ago that systematically denies the joint national”, so it continues the problem that there is a wage floor of reference “and classes not arranc” an tomorrow”. In statements to El Destape Radio, Baradel said that “teaching salary was below the basket of poverty” and a teacher who just starts to work earning only 16,000 pesos in the province of Buenos Aires.A turn, the Union leader said that in the province of Buenos Aires “there are many schools with partial or total building risk and are not in condition for the start of classes”.

Original source in Spanish


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