translated from Spanish: Royal Spanish Academy made valid use of the word fucking

Mexico.-it unveiled among the media that the Royal Academy of the Spanish language (SAR) made the use of the word fucking as usable prefix and not homophobic expression valid. This after a user consulted to the Academy through Twitter to ask if the use of the word fucking worked as a prefix (the original Tweet can not see). But the Acadamia would respond and would not leave many without opinion. In this regard, RAE responds that in Spain it is used as intensifier prefix and in some areas as adverb (putamente).

Then, you would write “putomal”? and it would be equivalent to “putamente bad”? -Paloma Serrano (@Psg_96) March 1, 2019, occurs while the fucking Word has been qualified as an expression of homophobic in different regions of the world and for many outside the language-related activities. As he explains in his examples, the word “fucking” can only used to emphasise some expression, but not as adjective.

#RAEconsultas la 、angle (13.6j: describes the use of the term dirty ‘fucking’ as adjective minimizador (“or a fucking hard”) or to express hassle («all fucking day”). In youth slang of Esp. works as intensifier positive (1/2) – RAE (@RAEinforma) March 5, 2019 for example, the Mexican national team has received sanctions from FIFA due to screaming fans throwing during the clearances of the goalkeeper riva l in this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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