translated from Spanish: “Speakeasy”: the success of the hidden and concept bars in Buenos Aires

live in the 1920s without being born at that time is possible, also travel without luggage and get to know new destinations without leaving of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.
The “speakeasy”, the secret and hidden bars were born in New York in the time of prohibition when the public sale of alcohol between 1920 and 1933 was banned. So in these three bars that skull and developed The Hidden Group outside only looks a simple black door that looks like one tank abandoned in Palermo, but this is just camouflage.
Once you cross the front door you leave yourself carried away by the atmosphere and stick you in a character who takes you away from reality. Once you cross the front door begins a new story that will be so much fun that you will want to return. 
1 J.W Bradley table is a wagon from the Orient Express that takes you to visit Europe soon as you pass the entrance gate, you go up to an old English-style wagon, and you emprendés journey through Europe. Meanwhile an employee or employee of the place – lockeado or lockeada of time – tells you the story of the Orient Express at the same time showing you images in black and white.

The train ride ends at the bar, but the adventure continues to sit at the table. You start to understand more the story as you search the menu of drinks. 

Tip: Details count, there is no anything RID randomly.

Don’t waste more time and start now your virtual tour from end to end of the bar, by clicking here. 
2 docks a shipping dock, the beginning of a true adventure as soon as you pass the entrance gate cross the Atlantic and aparecés in the port of London. The bar is inspired by the golden age of maritime smuggling in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. So abundant alcohol and sea dishes, fish and seafood.

A wooden bridge to cross the water and a beacon of six meters – which also works as a wine cellar – steals the looks. But as we anticipate them in these bars all the details they have and there is no nothing RID randomly, so you must pay close attention to the story that brings each drink of the Charter.

Don’t waste more time and start now your virtual tour from end to end of the bar, by clicking here. 
3 The Hole just you pass the entrance gate, you become a prisoner of Alcatraz – American prison that became the most famous criminals of history – which is going to be impossible to escape because the waiters are dressed in prison and l I barman for police officers. There really is no escape. 

The streets of San Francisco–where opened the prison in 1934 – and a Cadillac at the time surround you. There are two floors of tables that are inside black holes and posters “Seeks” appear in the majority of the walls.

This is only the beginning, there’s much more to see… every detail counts.

Don’t waste more time and start now your virtual tour from end to end of the bar, by clicking here. 

Original source in Spanish


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