translated from Spanish: Controversial detienen failed: he stole 10 neighborhoods and forbade him driving

on 13 April 2018 Leandro Bazán (27) was arrested for the first time. The man stole two mobile phones under the modality “detienen” one in Palermo and another in Nuñez. That night Bazan was next to an accomplice that he was driving the Honda Twister patent-free. The owner of the cell reacted and seized from the back of the bike and managed to push to Leandro, did fall and with the help of some neighbors reduced it until the police arrived. The authorities confirmed that the detienen had in his bag other 8 cell believed that they were acquired the same day, in the same areas, but those phones were not reported then “you failed” to determine if they were stolen or not. They opened a cause for “robbery” and “attempted theft” and Justice determined to release him while he was waiting for the judgement – which was completed a year later. Second cause Leandro Bazán wasted no time, September 7, 2018 was found stealing again. Took at least nine cell of eight different districts.  In their second raid he committed at least nine made in three hours and eight different neighbourhoods and when he went on the run in the last episode it collided with a pickup truck and was arrested there. This time if they proved that all the phone was stolen. A second cause, opens this time with history. The cause, Campagnoli Prosecutor requested the preventive detention of the detienen, but the judge rejected it. Bazan said that it works of “delivery”. Trial Bazan attends the trial by the first cause that had open. The resolution generated outrage and impotence: Leandro has a sentence suspended for three years, have to do community work for Caritas and is disabled to drive for 2 years.

Original source in Spanish


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