translated from Spanish: Students stop by women’s day UNAM faculties

city of Mexico-students of the University national autonomous de Mexico (UNAM) took campuses and declared work stoppage to participate in related activities the day of the woman.

the facilities of the Faculty of philosophy and letters at the University City were taken by students at 18:00 hours, after a feminist meeting in which agreed that facilities will be closed at 13:00 on Friday.

a starting from that time, reported, is decretaría total work stoppage of the UNAM, which agreed to lift it until the morning of March 9.

pointed out that he is expected to perform various mobilizations to ask for respect for the right to decide of the woman on her body, violence against this genre, in condemnation of the femicides and denostarían the reform approved at the Congress of Nuevo León.

students of faculties of UNAM is mobilised to order the cessation of the violence against women. | DEBATE vigorously reject the recent reform of article 1 of the Constitution of Nuevo León, where abortion under the premise of ‘defending life from conception until natural death’ was criminalised and sympathize with the companions of this State It was the position of women in separatist Assembly.

Similarly, in the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, the student Assembly decided to stop to join various events scheduled for this Friday.

therefore, the facilities will be closed from 21:00 hours today, to 19:00 in the morning Friday.

clarifies that Saturday distance education activities will be carried out on a regular basis.

The groups of women unuversitarias externarán their repudiation to the femicides. | Pixabay

from 13:00 hours is summoned to a concentration in the rectory Tower, located in University City, where it is expected to occur a rally to ask for respect for the rights of women and to ask to stop the violence against them in the s campuses.

subsequently, expected that at 14:00 hours out a March of University City so that they meet with other feminist groups to 16:00 hours at the Angel of independence, from where will depart to the Zócalo, there is expected to make another rally.

in the National School of nursing and obstetrics (ENEO) for this Friday is convenes a meeting at 10:30 at its Esplanade, where they will do as a clothesline of complaints where will present cases of harassment or violence.

a the activities will join the Faculty of higher studies (FES) Aragón, Acatlán, Cuautitlán and Iztacala, Zaragoza.

as well as high as 5 and 3, and colleges of Sciences and Humanities (CCH) and Azcapotzalco, South, East, and Vallejo.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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