translated from Spanish: Cordoba: a Director asked the control of alcohol for students

with the start of classes, the guys from last year celebrated the beginning of the last school year in the streets with flags, flares, and songs. However, in recent times is carried out a “ritual” called “UPD” (last day), in which gather to drink alcohol and get to school drunk. In the midst of the controversy, a particular case occurred in Las Varillas, Cordoba. Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield School Director saw that the students were not in good stadium as much smell had in the classroom, by what asked to take that forward a breathalyzer to each test.
“We were surprised because it is the first time that it happens. When we saw that a large group was different from the rest, gave an alert”, told Cadena 3. “Parents reacted good, supportive, there were questions and they were compliant, even many thanked”, described the President. The Secretary of Government of Las Varillas, Gustavo Vázquez said that “around 15% of the students they had a degree of major alcohol”.  “We can not look for another side and although sometimes we question the legality of the measure, was for prevention,” said the President to the press. LOA Director of the institution and the members of the local Government ensured that guys felt embarrassed by what had happened and they have overstepped the limits. Regarding school issues, delivered a certificate to each of them.

Original source in Spanish


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