translated from Spanish: Government will present a bill of preventive control of identity

Saturday President Sebastián Piñera announced that in the coming days they will send to Congress a draft law of preventive identity checks. However, the President did not deliver details during the event of Chile are going to commemorate the first year of his second term in La Moneda. The Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, in a conversation with La Tercera delivered more background of the measure, which seeks to “expand the powers of the police” to “give greater efficiency in the control of crime”. Chadwick said that “we are studying the possibility of extending the powers of the police in the Control of preventive identity, both in the accuracy of cases of evidence that allow the control cases allowing the simple registration of the” controlled people”. The Minister clarified that the proposal seeks to “broaden the possibility of recording”, since during control police can be observed “that there are elements that generate suspicion or evidence that such person may have a weapon, a forceful element, which can generate any situation of risk to people or items that may be preparatory acts of violence or crimes”, by what may review the backpack, purse or jacket that the possible suspect use. Consulted on where and when this measure, apply to the Secretary of State said that “in the circumstances that today allows the preventive identity checks”, where there is evidence of risk. Chadwick acknowledged that the initiative can be controversial and “uncomfortable”, but argues that “we can generate greater efficiency to the police in the control of crime. And that is a fundamental objective.” On the other hand, announced that a project will also be presented to “continue with the closing of streets and alleys that is very demanded by the residents for the security in their neighborhoods”. In the same vein, he explained that the Government will continue increasing the police presence on the streets, making national rounds of prevention, and will begin a plan of cameras, drones, and porches on “vulnerable communities”.

Original source in Spanish


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