translated from Spanish: Frustrated in Las Condes robbery was to store on O’Connell Street

from the East Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office reported that the detainees last Saturday noon occurred in shop Kangaroo Chile, in O’Connell Street 70, in the commune of the Counts and not on the Mall Parque Arauco, as initially reported. The weekend met procedure of the Brigade of robbery East of the police investigations (PDI) it got the arrest of three men and a woman who minutes earlier had stolen a large number of cellular telephone equipment and other items of phone from that store. The theft was preliminarily informed as the subtraction of articles to a local Shopping Mall Parque Arauco, but once noted the arrests and corroborated the complaint of the Manager of the shop Kangaroo Chile, it was confirmed that they were the same criminals, those who were apprehended at the intersection of the avenues Alonso de Cordova and President Riesco. All defendants were formalized by robbery with intimidation before the court room of Santiago warranty this Sunday, where pre-trial detention, at a hearing attended by the Undersecretary of crime prevention, Katherine Martorell was decreed.

Original source in Spanish


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