translated from Spanish: 8m and the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

Lord Di Rector: after a massive day of national protest in which we commemorate the day of working women, President Sebastián Piñera tried to climb truck victory celebrating its massiveness and transversality, but ignoring days before, he questioned his call to point out that it is the articulation of a policy agenda “which exceeds women’s issues”. So the question is: is the Government with women, or not?
Yesterday we returned to remember the State of Chile refuses to approve the optional protocol allowing to establish institutions of oversight in the matter, even though the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (Cedaw ) was ratified in 1989. No Government to date has had the political will to push this. Take care of the issues that today affect women Yes is a political agenda, but that neither the right nor the Government want to recognize.
Our cause is not, as he says “taken by his Government” Piñera. While not faced global violence that we live in our homes, jobs and cities; While we continue raping and killing, will leave women to the street to fight for our rights, that today, both international law and our society recognize as necessary, but that the Government Piñera has made invisible.
Gael Yeomans

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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